Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Last Week of Class )-:

This class has been the most active one I've been in, discussion-wise, in the seven courses I've taken so far. It was a diverse class of folks with so many things to say!

One thing that was great for me was to have so many folks who look at OLEs from the technological point of view. These classmates had interesting contributions, although I didn't always understand what they were talking about, or necessarily agree, because of my limited perspective and experience.

Other classmates had great insights that were similar to my own (that's not the only reason the insights were great, but it helped. Lol). I was somewhere to the extreme on the non-techie side in that I think I really wanted to concentrate on being gentle and communal, and didn't feel a need to be overly intellectual. I can read my own stuff on my own time and geek out in private. Learning from everyone else was where it was at in this course. There is more that I didn't say than that I did say to folks, about which I'm a little regretful. There are a few days left.

What I wanted to try to do this time was to help other students feel ok and not be overwhelmed, so they would contribute more to the discussion boards because maybe in part they thought one of their classmates cared, which was true! I do care about my classmates. We're all in this together.

For me, that was the biggest takeaway.

A very rewarding comment from one of my techier classmates referred to their point of view as being technological, and that they learned about all the other perspectives and complexities of  teaching and learning in an OLE. I have to thank that person for being who they are, and helping expand my horizons with their specific perspectives. It was that kind of class. I hope everyone is OK and had a positive experience.

Oh, and I read a whole lotta stuff about embedded librarianship too. It was so back to the future-esque: basically, if you are not collaborating well with faculty and with your IT folks, if you are not teaching in the OLE yourself or if you do not have your own course in the OLE, you are not going to get too far.

Collaboration. What's old is new again.

My circa 1981 Frye boots  need some polish....