Saturday, May 18, 2013

Communities of Practice: This Summer's Class!

Already a week in to Communities of Practice, a course I was thinking of taking, decided I wasn't going to take, and in which I'm now enrolled.

It is working out for the better, though, because creating a CoP for faculty development purposes is something about which I've wanted to learn ever since I learned about CoPs a few years ago. Presenters from Penn State spoke at EDUCAUSE about the CoP they had created for faculty, to provide support for educational technology use and integration, and it was fascinatingly informative. The presenters strongly suggested we read Etienne Wenger's Digital Habitats, which is our textbook for this course.

So, I'm pretty hopeful and positive about what we're learning in this course. I have only five classmates though, but sometimes that is actually better, because it's easier to converse online with fewer people. You read everyone's postings and have more time to provide an in-depth and thoughtful response.

I'll let you know how it's going!