Thursday, February 16, 2012

Halfway there: 5 1/2 classes to go....

Wow, I forgot to publish that last post in December! It was a tough class. I'm still recovering! But  I did learn a lot. My research papers for CMC focused first on asynchronous communication in an educational environment, and then on synchronous communication.  Now that I'm in the Learning Theories class, I've been able to apply some of things I learned in CMC, which has been great.

The topic of interest that has sprung out of the CMC class is the progression from e-learning to m-learning. I have to get a smartphone ASAP so that I can be mobile and learn how to do cool stuff.

Something interesting I read included a re-vistation regarding task-technology fit.  Amid all the e and m-learning hoopla, the article was a nice reminder to stick with the essential questions regarding whether or not a tool actually enhances the situation, and allows for more efficiency, economy, and effectiveness regarding task completion.

Fuller, R. M. & Dennis, A. R. (2009). Does fit matter? The impact of task-technology fit and appropriation on team performances in repeated tasks. Information Systems Research, 20(10), 2-17. doi: 10.1287/isre.1070.0167

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