Tuesday, March 27, 2012

An Assimilating INFJ

This term has been quite interesting, as I become renewed in my awareness regarding learning preferences, personality type, and more.

As in the past, my Myers-Briggs resulted in the INFJ personality type. Coincidentally, I recently downloaded Susan Cain's "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking." http://www.thepowerofintroverts.com/  Needless to say, I'm feeling pretty good about myself. (-:

More dryly and seriously, though, this term's journey of the mind has been helpful both personally and professionally. Being reminded of differences in the classroom, and the challenges of designing effective instructional activities to provide everyone--regardless of personality or learning preference--an opportunity to shine has given me a renewed sense of purpose that is likely to last forever.

On a related topic, my Kolb Learning Style Inventory results did change, since the last time I did the Kolb LSI in 2001. My classmates and I had an intriguing discussion about experiential learning, and how the past decade of work has changed me. Some of my classmates' scores have also changed over the years. We discussed that, too.

At the moment, I've moved so solidly into the quadrant of an Assimilating learning style preference that I'm concerned! I need an opportunity to move through the cycle to the Active Experimentation and Concrete Experience phases. Abstract thinking and reflection are great, but I have to do something too!

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