Wednesday, August 1, 2012

codec, codec, who has the codec...

Yes, that was a learning experience. I think it went ok, and I like the end result, but need more time to practice making stuff that works.

I'll try to load it all on a server somewhere so you can see it. Right now, it's on a CD.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wow, this summer term is hurtling to an end...

Just finished the research paper (30 points), and have one more discussion board posting (6 points) and the final multimedia project (35 points) to finish!

Yes, 70% of the graded work is falling in the last half of the class, but hopefully the different parts of the project will give me a chance to do ok. It will probably be the best-documented project ever, even if it doesn't run. If only I could get Netscape 7 to download properly, I could edit my webpage so I will have somewhere to launch the project from...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Locked and Loaded

OK, so I bit the bullet and bought my own copies of Camtasia and SnagIt. In terms of business models, I missed the freemium boat on JingPro and its $15 price tag. I was all ready to pony up, and bang: no more JingPro.

I guess the TechSmith folks just have my best interest in mind, and want me to produce better screencasts, using their sophisticated tools. Right.

Anyway, yes, I am freaked out by all the stuff I don't know regarding my latest class, Introduction to Multimedia Systems. My instructor is really nice, and said of the two main concerns he has for the final project, one is that it must be playable on his computer. After so many years of seeing how things folks create don't play on computers other than their own, I'm investigating the lowest tech solutions I can get away with for the project.

Yes Flash, your coolness will not be mastered by me this summer. Or ever, maybe. You may or may not be right for me after all. Sorry. I've been wanting you for so long. And that bouncing ball thing we made together was so nice....

Friday, April 27, 2012

Learned a lot about learning!

Learning Theories is done, and it was a good class. I am now motivated to learn more about motivation, that's for sure! What an interesting and complex topic. Many of the things I learned helped me to better understand workplace learning and motivation, since being a student is not my current full-time job. I think that if more students were given the opportunity to explore their learning styles, they'd be better able to metacognate some self-help measures.

My daughter was fortunate enough to attend a middle and high school that had the luxury of being able to take the time to help students reflect on their learning. It is sad that teachers in K-12 are not all in a situation or position to be able to help students in this way, and work together with students on a more individualized basis. By the time the students get to college, content experts take over, and learning how to learn seems to take a back seat. I see many instances where pedagogy is just not cutting it.

I wonder if technology can help more students in this way, by first helping them explore their personality and learning style strengths and weaknesses.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Almost done....

Writing the final paper today, reviewing the other 8 papers written this term. This class prompted me to read the Susan Cain book Quiet, and it has been a terrific book so far (IMHO). I've also learned that if I don't get a smartphone soon, I'll be even more of a techno-idiot. I look forward to seeing what Bb mobile looks like!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

An Assimilating INFJ

This term has been quite interesting, as I become renewed in my awareness regarding learning preferences, personality type, and more.

As in the past, my Myers-Briggs resulted in the INFJ personality type. Coincidentally, I recently downloaded Susan Cain's "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking."  Needless to say, I'm feeling pretty good about myself. (-:

More dryly and seriously, though, this term's journey of the mind has been helpful both personally and professionally. Being reminded of differences in the classroom, and the challenges of designing effective instructional activities to provide everyone--regardless of personality or learning preference--an opportunity to shine has given me a renewed sense of purpose that is likely to last forever.

On a related topic, my Kolb Learning Style Inventory results did change, since the last time I did the Kolb LSI in 2001. My classmates and I had an intriguing discussion about experiential learning, and how the past decade of work has changed me. Some of my classmates' scores have also changed over the years. We discussed that, too.

At the moment, I've moved so solidly into the quadrant of an Assimilating learning style preference that I'm concerned! I need an opportunity to move through the cycle to the Active Experimentation and Concrete Experience phases. Abstract thinking and reflection are great, but I have to do something too!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Halfway there: 5 1/2 classes to go....

Wow, I forgot to publish that last post in December! It was a tough class. I'm still recovering! But  I did learn a lot. My research papers for CMC focused first on asynchronous communication in an educational environment, and then on synchronous communication.  Now that I'm in the Learning Theories class, I've been able to apply some of things I learned in CMC, which has been great.

The topic of interest that has sprung out of the CMC class is the progression from e-learning to m-learning. I have to get a smartphone ASAP so that I can be mobile and learn how to do cool stuff.

Something interesting I read included a re-vistation regarding task-technology fit.  Amid all the e and m-learning hoopla, the article was a nice reminder to stick with the essential questions regarding whether or not a tool actually enhances the situation, and allows for more efficiency, economy, and effectiveness regarding task completion.

Fuller, R. M. & Dennis, A. R. (2009). Does fit matter? The impact of task-technology fit and appropriation on team performances in repeated tasks. Information Systems Research, 20(10), 2-17. doi: 10.1287/isre.1070.0167


The last class was CMC: Computer Mediated Communication.  Mostly, I read a lot of items that I think better pertain to the class I'd originally wanted to take this term: OLE - Online Learning Environments. In trying to learn how to be a decent online instructor, using both asynchronous and synchronous CMC, I made the class worthwhile anyway.

A couple of interesting topics we covered related to the online persona and its development. I wish we had spent more time devoted to this topic, and that it had come earlier in the course.